Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm bringing this dead journal back to life. Now with more cooking!

After getting back from a dream vacation in Europe, with my dream S.O., I'm back in the game to find my dream job (you know, to save for my dream house, which will house my dream dog...) and basically get my life together.

Job-wise, of course, I'm still looking for some sleeve-rolling, elbow-greasing, bi-monthly-breakdown action. But after not having my own classroom for a year, I'll take a suburban gig faster than you can say "The Mall." If anything interesting (i.e. useful info, life-altering epiphanies, etc.) materialize from the search, I'll try to post.

In other news, my short stay in Europe sold me once and for all on baking my own breads. I'm sick of eating mass amounts of sugar/corn syrup in everything. Or spending ungodly amounts of money (and frankly, feeling like a hipster tool) in Whole Foods. So, in addition to questing for employment, I am on the prowl for a recipe/process that will result in loaves similar to my favorite holey, crusty, rustic, Italian lovelies. Pictures and recipes to come soon!